Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Qu

Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn BDRIP HD 720P Christina Hodson english subtitle



Review: Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is a movie starring Margot Robbie, Rosie Perez, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. After splitting with the Joker, Harley Quinn joins superheroes Black Canary, Huntress; 7 of 10 stars; rating: 102296 Vote; Release year: 2020; duration: 1 hours, 49 minutes;

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This looks like an incredible movie. I wanted that trailer to be longer. When is it coming out.

I used to defend DC. I just can"t do it anymore. Marvel is just realistically better. The joker and I broke up Because I watched Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie 2019. ?? the side commentary “ you should google that. its pretty crazy stuff “. So no one is talking about rage and beating cops on a spree of hurting them just cause of a break up, yet joker was too violent. So to him the first half is slow and forced and the other half was only good so its not that good and again this is for s break up and letting her female rage go where she hurts cops. Also they say its the next deadpool or the female dc version of it yet deadpool and punisher both only kill bad guys which make them anti hero yet they say she"s a real hero but does bad things to good guys too which makes her a real hero.

I love how John keeps it real on his reviews. Thats why hes my favorite movie reviewer on YouTube even though hes from Canada lol jk.


This comment section: 80. hash slinging slasher t-shirt comments (I gotta get one of those btw) 20. comments revolving the actual movie being discussed in the video.

Harley, just ‘cause you got a Hot Topic gift card doesnt mean you have to use it

I remember liking it back when it was on. I think it was the pretty girls in leather punching each other and the idea of a crime fighting family working together. Some parts were kind of weird, like the city being New-Gotham because Gotham was destroyed in an Earthquake, the Joker killing Catwoman and shooting Barbara on the same night before both he and Batman disappeared forever was a mystery I guess they planned on solving one day, the show had a lot of potential because it had less tying itself down to the established Batman mythology(a reason I feel that Arrow did so well, no-one outside of hardcore fans really cares if Oliver Queens sister is Speedy but if you took Alfred out of Batman"s story people would lose it) and setting it a few years into the future meant that the technology could be moved up a bit without it seeming out of place. But yeah, probably the girls in leather. Also I did like that WB gave them an extra episode to close the show out so it wouldn"t end on a cliffhanger, that was actually smart of them because it gave those few people who did enjoy the show some kid of closure and now in the age of streaming you"ll get at least a few people watching it in a session and not being angry that it doesn"t have any kind of ending.

0:15 people nowadays have problem with everything... That kid is laughing... And the mom be like stop bothering my kid. So laughing and having a good time, is bothering... ??. Y"all I"m so excited. It looked good in the beginning but then the story switched from military stuff to a stupid boy"s adolescent adventure with his dog. That stupid and overused song for lame adventures came in afterwards too. They should have stuck with the life of the military dog or at least changed the movie"s 2nd half. That funeral scene was good though.

27 seconds squad. 1:17 When you see your favorite food freshly made in a shop. Valuable poops are tight. Very great custom. You can make Crisis on infinite earths customs. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS TRAILER IS DOPE.




